Monday, July 23, 2007

David's Pics....

David has been really getting some terrific pictures of Samuel. The two boys get to spend some good quality time in the afternoons while I am at work. This is what they do...Samuel just might become a model.


We had a great weekend this past week. Samuel is now flipping from both his back to front and front to back. It's amazing the things you are so proud of. Samuel is eating cereal from a spoon and he is getting pretty good at it. He watches every move we make when we put anything to our mouths. When I take a drink of water he wants some too.

Samuel has tried eating peas. This is his first real food and he is NOT A FAN!!! His first bite made him shiver with disgust and the other times he almost gagged out his entire meal. We will keep trying to see if he will adjust to it.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Samuel's sleepless night!

So last night Samuel decided to wake up twice! First at 2:30am and DAvid brought him to me to feed him and then we were so tired we just all three slept in bed together. Samuel decided he was hungry again at 5:30am so he and I went to the couch so DAvid could get at least 30 minutes of sleep last night. Good thing I didn't have to work today. Poor David must be tired! I think Samuel is feeling kinda yucky today. How nice to be a baby huh??????

Friday, July 6, 2007

Oh forgot to tell everyone....Samuel is now 14lbs. & 25.5 inches. He loves to laugh!!!!
Samuel was baptised last Sunday 7/1/07. He is already 4 months old and getting bigger by the day. He had his 4 month check up today and gained 3 lbs in 3 weeks. He started some cereal about 3 weeks ago and is blowing up like a little balloon! He is happy all the time unless he is not getting what he wants. He smiles at everyone and giggles. He has started talking to himself and he will actually talk himself to sleep. It's pretty cute. Samuel loves books and loves to be read to and sang to.