Monday, August 30, 2010


Summer Fun!

Having fun w/ the kids!  Samuel has just started his first year in a Spanish Immersion Pre-school program called Spanish Schoolhouse!  He LOVES his school and all of his teachers.  He has learned so much just over the past 3 months (he attended the summer camps).  He can pretty much understand everything you ask or tell him in Spanish.  Just like a little sponge. 

We are all planning a trip to Costa Rica in October and we will be there for 1 month.  We are all going to learn and study spanish and maybe we will run into Diego and Dora while we are there! Daddy will hold down the fort here in Texas for us and we will miss him SO much but hopefully he will get to visit us a few times.

Lucas is now 13 months old and running all over the place like crazy!  He knows what he wants when he wants it and is not afraid to let you know.  His favorite game is "ball" which was also one of his first words.  He also loves to dance and sing songs......"bababababababa" is the way he sings at the moment! More to come later!  He has a bunch of teeth and likes to bite....what's up with that?