Saturday, August 18, 2007

Pretty Face!!!!

New High Chair

He can't wait for his food.

Sitting Up

Here are some pictures of Samuel sitting all on his own. Samuel has gotten really interested in Flapjack lately. If Samuel is upset all you have to do is sit him right next to his big brother and he forgets all about his troubles!!! Flapjack loves Samuel too, but sometimes isn't quite sure what Samuel wants from him.


So Samuel has just now gotten over his first sickness. He had a terrible cold for about two weeks. He was actually very pleasant and happy the whole time. The only trouble we had was that his nose got so stuffy in the middle of the night and he would wake himself up crying. We took him to the doctor this week and he is now 17lbs. & 8oz. He is basically gaining almost 1lb. each week since he began eating cereal. He LOVES to eat!!! He loves pears the most. Just about the only vegetable he semi-likes is carrots. He is also sitting up on his own now and he is even more fun than before. He gets so excited and dances around using his arms and waving them around.

He really loves spending time w/ David and Flapjack. In this picture, Samuel was hanging out on David's legs while trying to watch the TV (his favorite pasttime). David was surfing the net lying on his stomach. It was a pretty funny sight.